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40 Power Query Editor features in Power BI

40 Power Query Editor features in Power BI along with examples: 1. Filter Rows: Remove rows based on conditions. Example: Remove rows with a null value in the "CustomerName" column. 2. Remove Duplicates: Eliminate duplicate rows. Example: Remove duplicate entries based on the "OrderID" column. 3. Sort Rows: Arrange rows in ascending or descending order. Example: Sort data by "Date" column in descending order. 4. Replace Values: Substitute one value with another. Example: Replace "N/A" with "Unknown" in the "Status" column. 5. Split Columns: Divide a column into multiple columns. Example: Split "FullName" into "FirstName" and "LastName." 6. Merge Queries: Combine data from multiple sources. Example: Merge customer and order data based on the "CustomerID." 7. Group By: Aggregate data based on a specific column. Example: Group sales data by "ProductCategory" and calculate the sum ...

20 Time Intelligence Dax Measures

20 Time Intelligence DAX measures in Power BI with examples: Year-to-Date Sales: css Copy code YTD Sales = TOTALYTD( [Total Sales] , Calendar [Date] ) Month-to-Date Sales: css Copy code MTD Sales = TOTALMTD( [Total Sales] , Calendar [Date] ) Quarter-to-Date Sales: css Copy code QTD Sales = TOTALQTD( [Total Sales] , Calendar [Date] ) Previous Year Sales: mathematica Copy code Previous Year Sales = CALCULATE ( [ Total Sales ] , SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR ( Calendar [ Date ] ) ) Year-over-Year Growth: css Copy code YoY Growth = DIVIDE( [Total Sales] - [Previous Year Sales] , [Previous Year Sales] ) Rolling 3-Month Average Sales: sql Copy code 3 M Rolling Avg Sales = AVERAGEX(DATESINPERIOD(Calendar[ Date ], MAX (Calendar[ Date ]), -3 , MONTH ), [Total Sales]) Cumulative Sales: scss Copy code Cumulative Sales = SUMX (FILTER(ALL(Calendar), Calendar [Date] <= MAX (Calendar[Date])), [Total Sales] ) Running Total Sales: scss Copy code Running Total Sales = SUMX (FILTER(ALL(Calendar), Calen...