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Showing posts with the label Excel Formulas

Data Cleaning Functions in Excel

  The CLEAN function Using the CLEAN function removes nonprintable characters text. For example, if the text labels shown in a column are using crazy nonprintable characters that end up showing as solid blocks or goofy symbols, you can use the CLEAN function to clean up this text. The cleaned‐up text can be stored in another column. You can then work with the cleaned text column. The CLEAN function uses the following syntax: CLEAN(text) The text argument is the text string or a reference to the cell holding the text string that you want to clean. For example, to clean the text stored in Cell A1, use the following syntax: CLEAN(A1) The CONCATENATE function The CONCATENATE function combines, or joins, chunks of text into a single text string. The CONCATENATE function uses the following syntax: CONCATENATE(text1,text2,text3,...) The text1, text2, text3, and so on arguments are the chunks of text that you want to combine into a single string. For example, if the city, state, and ZIP co...

Count Functions Uses in Microsoft Excel

  1. Count No. of Unique Values Use following formula to count no. of unique values - =SUMPRODUCT((A1:A100<>"")/COUNTIF(A1:A100,A1:A100&"")) 2. Count No. of Unique Values Conditionally If you have data like below and you want to find the unique count for Region = “A”, then you can use below Array formula – =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(A2:A20<>"",IF(A2:A20="A",MATCH(B2:B20,B2:B20,0))),ROW(A 2:A20)-ROW(A2)+1),1)) If you have more number of conditions, the same can be built after A2:A20 = “A”. Note - Array Formula is not entered by pressing ENTER after entering your formula but by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. If you are copying and pasting this formula, take F2 after pasting and CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. This will put { } brackets around the formula which you can see in Formula Bar. If you edit again, you will have to do CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER again. Don't put { } manually. 3. Count Cells Starting (or Ending) with a particular String 1. Say you want to ...

Most Commonly Used Formulas and Functions in Excel

Formulas & Functions   1.        Formulas A formula is an expression that operates on value in a range of cell or cells.   2.        Functions Functions are predefined formulas in excel which eliminate manual entry of formulas while give them names.   Five Ways to Insert Formula in Excel   1.        Typing formula inside the cell 2.        Using Insert Function in Formulas Tab   3.        Selecting Formulas from one of groups in Formula Tab 4.        Using AutoSum 5.        Recently Used from Formula Tab   Functions There are more than 470 functions in Excel and there are additions addin functions also with help of VBA macros you ca...