1. Count No. of Unique Values
Use following formula to count no. of unique values -
2. Count No. of Unique Values Conditionally
If you have data like below and you want to find the unique count for Region = “A”, then you
can use below Array formula –
If you have more number of conditions, the same can be built after A2:A20 = “A”.
Note - Array Formula is not entered by pressing ENTER after entering your formula but by
pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. If you are copying and pasting this formula, take F2 after
pasting and CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. This will put { } brackets around the formula which you
can see in Formula Bar. If you edit again, you will have to do CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER again.
Don't put { } manually.
3. Count Cells Starting (or Ending) with a particular String
1. Say you want to count all cells starting with C
c* is case insensitive. Hence, it will count cells starting with both c or C.
Suppose you want to find all cells starting with Excel.
2. For ending
c* is case insensitive. Hence, it will count cells starting with both c or C.
Suppose you want to find all cells starting with Excel.
4. Count No. of Cells Having Numbers Only
COUNT function counts only those cells which are having numbers.
Assuming your range is A1:A10, use following formula
5. Count No. of Cells which are containing only Characters
Hence, if your cell is having a number 2.23, it will not be counted as it is a number.
Use below formula considering your range is A1:A10
6. Count Non Numbers in a String
Suppose you have a string "abc123def45cd" and you want to count non numbers in this.
If your string is in A1, use following formula in A1
7. Count Numbers in a String
Suppose you have a string "abc123def43cd" and you want to count numbers in this.
If your string is in A1, use following formula -
8. Count only Alphabets in a String
Suppose you have a string "Ab?gh123def%h*" and you want to count only Aphabets.
Suppose your string is in A1, put following formula for this.
9. COUNTIF on Filtered List
You can use SUBTOTAL to perform COUNT on a filtered list but COUNTIF can not be done
on a filtered list. Below formula can be used to perform COUNTIF on a filtered list
Here B2:B20>14 is like a criterion in COUNTIF (=COUNTIF(B2:B20,">14"))
10 . COUNTIF for non-contiguous range
All of us love COUNTIF. And it is very easy to do - just say =COUNTIF("A1:A100",">5") and
it finds all the values within the range A1 to A100 which are greater than 5. But what if I
wanted the result for only A3, A8 and it should omit other cells. Try putting in following
formula -
=COUNTIF((A3, A8),">5") and it will give you #VALUE error.
A possible solution is
What happens if you need to do for A3, A4, A5, A8, A24, A40, A45, A89. Now, you will have
to use a formula like -
The formula becomes cumbersome as the number of cells increase. In this case, you can use
below formula. This single formula can take care of contiguous (like A3:A5) and noncontiguous
ranges both -
11. Count the Number of Words in a Cell / Range
Suppose you have been given the following and you need to count the number of words in
a cell or in a range.
Formula for calculating number of words in a cell -
=LEN(TRIM(A1))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ",""))+(TRIM(A1)<>"")
Formula for calculating number of words in a range -
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