Excel pivot tables are very useful and powerful feature of MS Excel. They are be used to create instant summaries, reports and data analysis from your raw data . In this page, learn all about how to create an Excel pivot table and customize it. 1. What are Excel Pivot Tables A pivot table turns your data into report format. Here is a sample Pivot table from sales data, showing total sales by region. 2. How to Create a Pivot Table We will use 2019 sales data of a fictional company. This data contains 466 rows of sales information in columns – Month, Salesman, Region, Product, No. Customers, Net Sales, Profit / Loss. Here is a preview of our data. To create a pivot table showing totals sales by region , follow these steps. Select any cell in the data. Go to Insert ribbon and click “Pivot Table” button. Click ok on the next screen. You will be taken a new spreadsheet with blank Pivot Table canvas. Here, using the Pivot...
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