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Showing posts with the label DAX

DAX Language - Data Analysis Expression

The DAX language was created specifically for the handling of data models, through the use of formulas and expressions. DAX is used in several Microsoft Products such as Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Analysis Services and Microsoft Power Pivot for Excel. Below are the types of Dax functions  1. Aggregate  2. Date and time 3. Filter 4. Financial  5. Information  6. Logical 7. Maty and trig 8. Other 9. Parent and child 10. Relationship Management  11. Statistical  12. Table manipulation  13. Text 14. Time intelligence  From the above list of functions 3 types of functions are basic and commonly used, those are Aggregate , Logical and Date and time. Other important entities which are used with the above function are as follows  1. Operators  Example -  ( ), + , Not, &, =, < >, || 2. Statements  Define , Evaluate,  Order by, Return, Var 3. Data Types Binary, boolean,  Currency,  date time, decimal, integer,...