Download the example Dynamic Chart from below link.
1. Structured Data
Create a table from the data you have. Select the data and press Ctrl + T or Click on Table in Inset tab under Tables group as shown below.
2. Create Pivots
Select the table and create a pivot by pressing Alt + N+V or Click on Pivot table in Insert tab under Tables group as shown below. Select New worksheet in the dialogue box and click ok.
3. Modify Pivot Table
Once Pivot table is created name the pivot table in Analyse tab Pivot table Name in PivotTable section for reference. Pivot tables fields may appear automatically or if not appearing then click on field list in Analyse tab under Show.
Select Customer ID and Years in Rows section and Purchase Amount in Values section as shown below.
Same way create other Pivots as created in the example file attached.
4. Create Charts
Select the pivot table then go to Insert tab >> Charts>> Select the type of chart as shown below
Create a Combo chart as shown below
First create a normal Bar chart then keep the chart selected by clicking on it, Pivot Chart Tools will appear as seen below. Click on Design Tab >> Change Chart type>>Combo.
A Dailogue box will appear as shown below. You can select the chart type for the series and the Axis.
5. Changing Colour of Bar charts
Select the Bar in the chart. In PivotChart Tools section select Format tab >>Shape Style
There are other tools to format your chart as shown below. Right click on the chart and select format Chart area on the right hand side a New pane appears. For further formatting you can explore it.
6. Slicers
Slicers are used to filter the data. To Add a slicer select the pivot and from Pivot table Fields Select a item of which you need to create a Slicer as shown below.
Same way create other slicers as needed and connect them to all the charts.
Right Click on the Slicer and select Report Connections as shown below
A Dialogue box will appear Report Connections. Select the Charts you want to connect the slicer.
In the current case i have selected all charts.
7. Navigation
Final Dashboard is ready
As Shown below Oct is Selected in Date slicer, all charts gets filtered with Oct data. To remove filter click on clear filter tab as shown below or click on the Oct tab with Ctrl tab pressed.
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