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Showing posts from March, 2021

Sum a cell through several Worksheets

You have 12 identical worksheets, one for each month. You would like to summarize each worksheet. Is there a better way than using =Jan ! B4 + Feb! B4+Mar! B4+Apr! B4…? Solution:  You can use a 3-D formula such as  =SUM(Jan:Dec!B4) , as shown in  Figure 41 . Figure 41. A 3-D formula adds up all instances of B4 on the 12 sheets from Jan through Dec. Late-breaking Tip : To add up cell B4 on all the worksheets with Sales in the sheet name, type  =SUM(‘*Sales’!B4)  and press Enter. If the first or last worksheet contains a space in the name, you have to use apostrophes around the pair of worksheet names:  =SUM(‘Jan 2009: Dec 2009’!B4) . You can easily copy this formula to other cells on the summary worksheet.  Gotcha:  Do not drag the summary worksheet to appear after the Jan worksheet, or you will set up a circular reference. Additional Details:  It is possible to set up a named range that refers to a 3-D range. Here is an interesting way to set...