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Power Query Basics - Clean Raw Data and reuse the file for updating new data

Download Example File from link below Power Query is built in to Windows versions of Office 365, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 and is available as a free download in Windows versions of Excel 2010 and Excel 2013. The tool is designed to extract, transform, and load data into Excel from a variety of sources. The best part: Power Query remembers your steps and will play them back when you want to refresh the data. This means you can clean data in 80% of the normal time I say this about a lot of new Excel features, but this really is the best feature to hit Excel in 20 years. Get Power Query You may already have Power Query. It is in the Get & Transform group on the Data tab. But if you are in Excel 2010 or Excel 2013, go to the Internet and search for Download Power Query. Your Power Query commands will appear on a dedicated Power Query tab in the Ribbon. Clean Data the First Time in Power Query To give you a...