CAGR stands for C ompound A nnual G rowth R ate. It describes the rate at which an investment would have grown over several years if it had grown at the same rate every year on a compounding, rather than simple, basis. The CAGR metric is calculated using the following formula: If we were to fit this entire formula into a single measure it may get messy and confusing for other users, so let’s step it out. We will need to create several measures to calculate the individual pieces the CAGR formula. Of course, this is not the only way to calculate CAGR in Power Pivot, but this is the way we’ve decided to go about it. So, let’s break it down, we will need the following measures to calculate CAGR: A measure to retrieve the First Year in the data set A measure to retrieve the Last Year in the data set A measure to calculate the Number of Years between the First and Last Years in the data set A measure to aggregate the total sales in the data set...
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